What's for Dinner Meal Plan - Back from NYC

Our family traveled to New York City to visit my brother over Thanksgiving. We had a fabulous trip, but since we didn't get back until Sunday, I don't have a formal menu this week. We're kind of winging it using my freezer stash and yes, I'm a bit ashamed to say, some frozen Stouffers ...

I'm taking a short hiatus this week for Thanksgiving, so no menu plan. Here's last year's menu if you want to see what my family eats for the holidays. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, and I'll be back at it in a week.

What's for Dinner Menu Plan

I just realized I hadn't posted the menu, so it's going to be a short post again this week. My Internet connection hasn't been working well this weekend, so I need to make it fast while I'm actually connected. Enjoy and have a great week! Be sure to follow me on Facebook to get ...


Ultimate Twiced Baked Potatoes

My friend Yvonne shared this recipe with me. I altered the original recipe a little to make it a smidge healthier, and they were still very yummy. I didn't have any green onions when I made them to take the picture, but I would definitely encourage you use them. Ingredients: 4 ...


Secret Santa Swap 2012

I am participating in the Secret Santa Swap 2012 hosted at the Apronista. We are supposed to post the following questionnaire on our blogs so that our Secret Santa can get some ideas for the swap package. I am so excited! I love Secret Santa activities. :) Here are my responses: What ...


What's for Dinner Menu Plan

Had a crazy busy week at school (family reading night), and a wonderful weekend with the family (ran a race, went to SDC, and saw a movie!). I'm running short on time again, so here's the menu. Enjoy and have a great week! Be sure to follow me on Facebook to get fast updates from ...