What's for Dinner Menu Plan - Corey's Favorites

I'm back! I've had several people message me asking if I stopped blogging, and no, I did not. :) As I've mentioned a couple of times this summer, my son is leaving for college for the first time, and I've been trying to spend as much time with him as possible. Also, my school reconfigured our buildings, and I had to move to a new library, so I have spent the last three weeks trying to set up my library collection.

Never fear, I have been planning meals for my family! I just haven't taken the time to post them. I figure I have over 5 years worth of menus and recipes posted that my readers can refer to for ideas. ;)

The last couple of weeks, I've been making Corey's favorite meals before he heads off to school. Here are some of the items on his list (looks like typical boy food, doesn't it?):

Southwestern Egg Rolls
Burgers on the grill
Creamy Chicken Breasts
Homemade Pizza
Ultimate BBQ Chicken
Creamy Swiss Chicken with Cheddar Herb Biscuits
Southwestern Beans with Saffron Basmati Rice

Here's what I have on the menu this week. Enjoy and have a great week! Be sure to follow me on Facebook to get fast updates from the blog. :)

Sunday - Pork Roast and Gravy on Rice, Green Beans, Salad, Peaches

Monday - Lasagna, Salad, Peaches

Tuesday - Tacos, Southwestern Egg Rolls, Peaches

Wednesday - Leftovers

Thursday - Grilled Salmon, Broccoli, Salad, Strawberries

Friday - Marsala Burgers, Green Beans, Salad

Saturday - Grilled Pizza, Salad, Peaches

For more menu ideas, visit orgjunkie.com.