Menu Plan Monday

Well, we survived the Eagle Scout project this weekend. Corey's race went off without a hitch. The weather even cooperated and didn't rain on us as predicted. He raised over $4000 for his Shoes for Kids project. We are very proud parents. :) Because of preparations for the race, I didn't get to a couple of my menu items (Eric's parents took us out to eat!), so you might see a repeat or two this week. Because Corey has two cross country meets and I have eMINTS training, we are going to be relying on freezer staples this week. I hope the menu helps you anyway. For more menu ideas, go to

Sunday - Honey Rosemary Chicken with Yukon Gold Potatoes, Green Beans, Applesauce
Monday - eat at training
Tuesday - Chili (from the freezer), peanut butter sandwiches, peaches
Wednesday - Pork and Gravy (from the freezer) on bread, green beans, salad
Thursday - Tuna noodle casserole, brussels sprouts, applesauce
Friday - eat at the football game (homecoming at my school)
Saturday - Meatza Pie, Garlic Muffins, Salad


Lanny said...

Over $4000? That's fabulous. Way to go Corey! :)

Sabra said...

You have some great menus and recipes, here. I am ALWAYS at a loss with what to cook! We eat the same things night after night - because I am just not creative... You have CHANGED that. DH is going to wonder what happened to me! Thank you.

Why is it so hard for me to be "creative," you might ask? Well... We live in Saudi Arabia. Ingredients for so many things are downright impossible to get [last night I wanted to make tacos - no taco shells to be found in three different grocery stores!]. DH eats meat - I do not; DH eats poultry - I do not. I will eat fish and seafood, though. We'll be having your lemon Dijon Tilapia next week - I did see Tilapia at one store yesterday... I could live on salad - DH will eat salad once a week. So, will try several of your casseroles and serve them with a salad and the garlic biscuits! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

P.S. Of course there is no white wine here - no alcohol at all in Saudi Arabia [wink, wink!], so many of those recipes are out. And, there is no pork. We do, however, bring pork over the border from Bahrain once a month or so, so I can do some cooking with pork.

Will do the Catalina meatballs... DH will enjoy that one, I'm sure. Catalina is his favorite dressing.

I have bookmarked this site. I'll be back for more!

Cindi said...

Congratulations to Corey! I have 5 sons and they all received their Eagle Scout award. It was always such a relief when their projects were finished!

Thanks for the great recipes....they are a great help!

Sandra said...

Great menu :)

Thanks for sharing.

My Menu Plan