Menu Plan Monday

We had a nice week this past week. It was parent-teacher conference week at school, which meant some late nights, but we got out of school early on Friday, which was a very needed break. We spent some time together as a family, and we had 28 people over to the house on Saturday for Corey's cross country end-of-season party. We did a bonfire and hayride for the kids, which was blast. I think they all had a great time. My parents visited today, and we went for a short hike and out to lunch. My mom and I went shopping for fabric to make a princess costume for an upcoming library event I am hosting, so it was fun to have girl time. This week is back to the usual schedule - computer workshops and scouts on Monday, Zumba class on Wednesday and Thursday, and computer training this weekend. Here's our menu for the week. For more menu ideas check out
Sunday - Beef Stew, Rolls, Salad
Monday - Leftovers
Tuesday - Chili and PB Sandwiches
Wednesday - Easy Chicken and Stuffing Skillet, Green Beans, Peaches
Thursday - Chili Spaghetti, Salad
Friday - Eat out
Saturday - Ultimate BBQ Chicken, Broccoli, Salad


Anonymous said...

Nice menu, especially the chicken and stuffing recipe. I will have to give that one a try.

Bonnie said...

That Ultimate BBQ Chicken looks delicious !!!