Menu Plan Monday

Well, I didn't do the best job of sticking to the menu this week. Time got away from me and I didn't get a chance to make the Cheesy Hash Brown Chili or the Soda Can Chicken, so they will be back on for this week. The hit of the week was the Crockpot Salsa Chicken. It was very good and very easy. We did have a nice Easter weekend. We went to the Rock and Worship Roadshow and got to see one of Corey's groups - Hawk Nelson. He even got their autographs. That was one happy boy. :) This week we have to go go a band concert and I have to present a workshop for our local MOPS group on how I use my computer as a mom. Should be fun. Here's this week's menu. For more menu ideas, go to Have a great week!
Sunday - ate at my mom's for Easter
Monday - eat out (band concert)
Tuesday - Cheesy Hash Brown Chili (new), Salad
Wednesday - BBQ Pork Sandwiches (from freezer), Corn, Pork & Beans
Thursday - Potato Soup (recipe coming as soon as I pick which one to make), Salad
Friday - Homemade Pizza, Salad
Saturday - Soda Can Roasted Chicken (new), Roasted Potatoes with Rosemary (new), Asparagus


jo@blog-diggidy said...

i am printing the recipe for the salsa chicken as i type this!! yummy!! thanks for a great recipe, the rest of the new menu looks great, too!!

Hoosier Homemade said...

Looks great! I think I will try the Salsa Chicken too.
Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

You have some terrific meals planned for this week.
Happy MPM!

Oonie said...

beer/soda can chicken is our absolute favorite. So easy, so moist.
And still can't thank you enough for your day-ahead mashed potatoes. Wonderful!