What's for Dinner Menu Plan

Fall is a crazy good time of the year. :) Crazy because of all the activities going on, and good because the weather is amazing! We finally got rain this weekend! If you aren't from the midwest, you may not know that we are in a severe drought. It has been the 3rd hottest summer on record, and we've had way too many 100+ degree days. Hopefully last Tuesday was our last of those. The crazy thing was that on Wednesday, the temperature got down to 46. Talk about extreme temperature changes! This weekend my brother from New York came to visit, so we spent the whole weekend at my mom's eating like pigs. :) It was even cold enough to turn on the fireplace, which gave the house a nice, cozy feel.

This is homecoming week at Corey's school, so he has a bunch of extra activities in the evenings. So, that means our meal plan will be a little goofy.

Here's this week's menu. Enjoy and have a great week! Be sure to follow me on Facebook to get fast updates from the blog. :)

Sunday - Eat at mom's (loved not having to cook this weekend!)
Monday - Ott's House Casserole (gotta carb up the boy for his CC meet tomorrow), Green Beans, Salad, Strawberries
Tuesday - Steak (will grill when we get home from the meet - it's in our town), Green Beans, Salad
Wednesday - Bacon Wrapped Grilled Chicken, Broccoli, Salad, Peaches
Thursday - Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser at school
Friday - Eat Out (Homecoming night)
Saturday - Steak Pizza (didn't get to it last week), Salad, Strawberries

For more menu ideas, visit orgjunkie.com.  


Penny said...

I am from the midwest too and you are right the weather has been so extreme.

Your menu looks great..going to check out the Ott's House casserole, we love pasta here.

Cooking with Cristin said...

steak pizza sounds awesome!
Here is a link to my Menu Plan
I'd love if you stpped by my blog to check it out and enter my giveaway!
Have a great week
Cooking with Cristin

Rae said...

Delicious looking menu. Love your blog.