What's for Dinner Menu Plan - Apple Pie Day

Happy Labor Day! I hope everyone had a restful weekend. Our family had very nice time this holiday weekend. My son's girlfriend's family came to spend to the weekend with us so that the kids could have some time together. I know that might sound strange considering they are seniors in high school, but she lives four hours away from us and they don't get to see each other in person very often. They met last summer at Missouri Scholars Academy, and they are just perfect for each other. :) We love Hannah! She's smart like Corey and can talk calculus with him - can't get much better than that.

Anyway, this Saturday was my annual apple pie making day. Hannah's family arrived just in time to join in the fun. ;) Here's a slideshow of pictures so you can share in the fun as well. (Note - the slideshow is Flash based, so it won't show up if you view it on an iPad or iPhone.)

This week's menu has a few new recipes, so be sure to check back later to see pictures. I will post them after making each dish. I also put Crockpot Cowboy Stew back on for this week. I skipped it last week due to a time crunch on that day (we ate leftovers instead). The Southwestern Egg Rolls got skipped on Saturday because of company, so they are back on the menu this week as well. Here's this week's menu. Enjoy and have a great week! Be sure to follow me on Facebook to get fast updates from the blog. :)

Sunday - Ultimate BBQ Chicken, Cheesy Hashbrown Casserole, Green Beans, Salad

Monday - Southwestern Egg Rolls with Avocado Ranch Dipping Sauce, Salad, Strawberries

Tuesday - Skillet Lasagna (new), Broccoli, Salad

Wednesday - Cowboy Stew, Sinfully Sweet Cornbread, Salad

Thursday - Kickin' Beefy Crescents (new - recipe and pics soon), Green Beans, Salad

Friday - Leftovers

Saturday - Lemon Oregano Salmon (new - recipe and pics soon), Broccoli, Salad, Strawberries

For more menu ideas, visit orgjunkie.com


Anonymous said...

I'm having a real problem wrapping my head around Corey being old enough to have a girlfriend... But the pies look amazing!! Maybe when my kiddos are more help than hindrance, I'll attempt something that ambitious. :-) Have a super week!!