Menu Plan Monday

This is a week of super simple meals. I forgot how busy the month of January is for my family. Last week I was pretty much able to stick to my menu plan, but I did burn my crock pot beef tips on Wednesday. :-( It was in the crock pot for 10 hours, and I think my new crock pot runs hotter than my old one. That's the first time I've ever had anything burn in a crock pot. It was a bummer, because I love that dish. My son ended up going to his grandparents' house over the weekend so he wouldn't have to go to my computer workshop all day Saturday, so I just ate leftovers by myself instead of cooking on Saturday (the hubby was out of town for work). This week is one of the busiest yet, as I have 3 computer workshops I have to do, so the boys are going to be eating the easy stuff. I will be sure to post some extra recipes so you have some new things to try, even if they aren't on my menu. :) You can check out other great menus at Laura's website. Have a great week!

Sunday - Easy Chicken and Stuffing Skillet, Green Beans, Salad
Monday - Eat at computer training
Tuesday - Hamburgers, Fries, Green Beans, Applesauce (boys only)
Wednesday - Tuna noodle casserole, Brussels sprouts, oranges
Thursday - Eat at computer training
Friday - Chicken parmesan (need to use up some frozen, breaded chicken strips), spaghetti, salad, peaches (all I do is bake or fry the chicken strips until cooked through, then put in glass baking dish, cover with some spaghetti sauce and mozarella cheese, and microwave to melt the cheese - quick and easy)
Saturday - Turkey breast, mashed potatoes, green beans, leftover hot rolls


Natalie said...

My husband would love your Friday meal!

Forgetfulone said...

We made chicken parmesan tonight - the hard way. We'll be using the simple recipe next time. The hard way didn't make it taste a whole lot better! Happy Menu Monday!

Anonymous said...

Your menu sounds really great! I see some recipes on your sidebar I'm going to check out now!


Bella @ Lil Daisies said...

that is really funny about burning something in your crockpot...there have been several times where I put everything in and turned it on, but never plugged it in. Bummer day that was for our family---take out!

Hope you have good week despite the busy-ness. Maybe you will be able to enjoy some hot tea and a soothing bath at the end of the week to relax a bit.


kelly said...

friday looks yummy to me too! have a great week!

Sandra said...

It sounds wonderful!

Have a wonderful Monday :)

My Menu Plan is up too!

Stephanie said...

Sounds like you are a busy mom too! Your menu looks good.