What's for Dinner Menu Plan

We had a great holiday weekend! On Friday, Corey and I decided to go on an "adventure" since Eric was working and couldn't play with us. We packed a picnic of "adventure food" and drove to Bennett Springs State Park, which was a new location for us. The park was very pretty and we had fun watching the fly fishermen as we hiked along the river. We decided that this is a great place to come for a day hike and picnic, but we probably would not enjoy camping at this location (the spots are way too close together and there aren't very many trees in the campground). The best thing is that it is only a little over an hour away from our house. We will be back soon to hike the 7 mile trail.

The weather forecast showed that Saturday looked like the better day to go swimming at my parents' house for 4th of July weekend. WRONG! It rained all day so we ended up having a movie marathon and eating lots of BBQ chicken instead of swimming. Sunday, the day it was supposed to rain, ended up being pretty ok. Corey and Eric ran the Firecracker 5000, and Eric got a PR! We also got Corey's belated birthday present of a new bike (he outgrew his old one), and went for a bike ride before watching fireworks in our neighborhood. All in all, it was a great family weekend.

So, on to this week's menu. Unfortunately, I get to have gum graft surgery again this summer (did the same thing about this same time last summer), which means 30 days of having to eat soft foods. Bummer. No more steak for me for a while. At least ice cream is soft! :) We are doing grilled pizzas again this week, which was a new one for us a couple of weeks ago, and they were fabulous. If you have never tried pizza on the grill before, give it a shot. It's worth it! Here's this week's menu. For more menu ideas, go to orgjunkie.com. Enjoy!

Sunday - Sirloin steak on the grill, green beans, peaches
Monday -Grilled Pizza, Salad
Tuesday -Bacon and Cheese Stuffed Burgers, Baked Beans, Mashed Potato Salad
Wednesday - Leek Soup, Applesauce (surgery day)
Thursday - Tuna Noodle Casserole, Peas, Peaches
Friday - Eat at Grandmas
Saturday - Eat at Grandmas


M @ Betty Crapper said...

Sorry to hear about the gum surgery. At least you can still have ice cream.

Zom G. said...

Oh goodness, I hope you feel better as quickly as possible! I guess it means a whole manner of soups, like that yummy looking leek one.
