What's for Dinner Menu Plan

Thank goodness for freezer items, as they made my week very easy last week, and hopefully will be helping me out again this week. Our busy October schedule is keeping us hopping! We had a great weekend in St. Louis for Corey's band contest. It was fun to visit with family, watch the band perform, and spend some much needed time with my hubby. We went for a wonderful walk together in Forest Park this morning. It is such a beautiful spot in the middle of the city.

This week is full with parent/teacher conferences and work meetings, but we have a lighter weekend coming up which we are very much looking forward to. This week's menu has some freezer items and easy pasta dishes to get us through the busy days. Here's this week's menu. For more menu ideas, go to orgjunkie.com.  Enjoy and have a great week!

Sunday - Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup (we got back late from St. Louis and just wanted something light and easy)
Monday - Chili (from freezer) and Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Salad
Tuesday - Creamy Jambalaya Pasta, Salad
Wednesday - Chicken Spaghetti, Broccoli, Salad
Thursday - Meatballs and Gravy (from freezer), Mashed Potatoes (from freezer), Green Beans
Friday - Chicken and Dumplings, Salad
Saturday - Steak, Baked Potatoes, Green Beans, Salad


Season of Life said...

Cynthia ~

The Creamy Jambalaya Pasta sounds delicious and would make for a quick meal...just may try that in the coming weeks, so thanks for posting.

Time as a couple is a gift...the park looks so peaceful and good for conversations and refreshment.


HaB said...

Looks like a week full of yummy dinners to me!