I got an award!

Tiffany over at Snapshots of Life awarded me one of her Excellent Blogs awards. I was very flattered that she enjoyed my blog enough to include it in her list of favorites. By accepting this Excellent Blog Award, you have to award it to other people whose blogs you find "Excellent Award" worthy. So, here are some other blogs I read that I think are Excellent!

Grab the button and share the award with blogs you love!


Stephanie ODea said...

thank you, Cynthia! that is so sweet---Happy Valentine's Day to you!

Renea said...

Thank you so much for the award and for reading my blog! I will definitely be adding your blog to my list to read. Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Cindy! Before METC I had a whole folder of bookmarked blogs for scrapbooking and stamping that I checked everyday for updates. Now I don't have to check them all everyday-- but I have about 50 more blogs that I've subscribed to. It's a sickness!

I can't wait to try the peanut butter brownies.

Lanny said...

Aww thanks! I was dropping by to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day and found this pleasant surprise! That's so sweet of you. I think your blog is excellent too. My family has enjoyed a lot of your recipes.

Many thanks and Happy Valentine's Day!

Lanny said...

You must think I'm nuts! Apparently my email notification for my blog comments isn't working. I didn't see your comments before I commented here. That's why it was a surprise to me. Sorry!

Laura said...

So nice of you, thank you!! Hope you had a nice Valentine's Day!!

Sandra said...

Cynthia, thank you SO much :) I'm so glad you're enjoying my food bloog.

Have a wonderful day :)


Nicole said...

Congrats on your award and thanks for mine :) That was very sweet. It feels good to know I actually have readers. lol

debhmom3 said...

Yay! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Cynthia.I am super excited to know that people are reading my blog!

Jenny said...

Thanks so much Cynthia for the excellent award! You've got a great blog as well!