Menu Plan Monday

We had a nice week this past week. It was parent-teacher conference week at school, which meant some late nights, but we got out of school early on Friday, which was a very needed break. We spent some time together as a family, and we had 28 people over to the house on Saturday ...

Saturday afternoon this surprise package arrived on my doorstep!

Nadine C., the person I sent an apron to for the Fall Flirty Apron Swap, read that I had not received a package for the Fall Sassy Apron Swap, so she served as my apron angel and sent me the most beautiful apron package I could have asked for! Nadine, this is by far my favorite apron. I wore it all day Saturday! She also sent a matching potholder (how cute is that!) and a very pretty matching necklace. Nadine, I can't tell you how much this meant to me. I've been in kind of a funk lately, and your thoughtfulness really cheered me up. Thank you so much!

Menu Plan Monday

This past week was a bit better for me. I am slowing getting myself reorganized after my computer fiasco a couple of weeks ago. This week was the boy's last week of cross country (which he is very sad about), and it was the last of the band competitions that the hubby had to attend ...

I finished my apron swap package for the Hot Drinks for Hot Mamas swap. My partner's favorite hot drink is hot chocolate, so I found some cute holiday fabric that has hot cocoa on it. I think it turned out really cute. I hope she enjoys her package. It goes in the mail tomorrow! Here are some photos.

Last Friday I received my package from my partner in the Fall Flirty Apron Swap. The apron was really adorable and very well made. She also sent me a cute charm bracelet to go with it. Thank you, Rachelle, for the wonderful package! Here are some photos of my gifts (sorry that the one of me in the apron is so sloppy - it was a sweats day for me today).

A couple of weeks ago, my friend Miranda and I were in charge of Friday snacks at school. Because so many of our colleagues have been in a funk lately, we decided to try to cheer them up by theming our snacks as a fall festival. We had caramel apples, miniature spice cakes, hot cider, homemade granola bars, trail mix, and of course, chocolate. :) Here are some pics of our snack table.


Menu Plan Monday

I have great news! My techie friend, Mark, saved my recipes!!! Thank you, Mark!!! I was able to get them backed up to my portable hard drive and my home PC, so life is good again. My laptop still needs some work, but at least I can cook again. :-) I really hated to think about having ...


Shepherd's Pie

Ingredients1 lb extra lean ground beef1 small onion, finely chopped2-3 garlic cloves,minced (I use the jar kind)1/2 tsp dried oregano1 (15 ounce) bag frozen corn (you can use peas and carrots if your family will eat them - mine won't)1 (10 1/2 ounce) can condensed tomato soup2-3 ...


Menu Plan Monday

One of my teacher friends had a baby this weekend, so to help her out, I am making some meals for her to put in the freezer. Because my own week is rather hectic and I'm still mourning the loss of my recipe files, I making the same things for my own family so we at least have some ...

I'm having one of those "whiner baby" moments, so instead of whining in person, I just thought I would vent on my blog instead. I'm allowed to do that! It's my blog. ;)

This fall I participated in two apron swaps, which I love doing. My sadness is that I did not receive an apron in return from either swap. I really wish that if people are going to sign up for a swap that they truly intend to participate. I know, suck it up and deal with it. But, it still makes me sad. I do realize that something terrible could have happened in the lives of my partners to prevent them from participating, so I probably shouldn't be complaining publicly, but I'm just having a sad weekend and don't want to complain to my family. :) (So partners, if you do happen to read this for some reason, I apologize if you had something terrible happen.) I do wish that they would have contacted the swap host to let them know that they can't participate so that I don't keep eagerly awaiting a package every day. I'm worse than a kid at Christmas time. I really need to get a life. ;)

On top of my apron sadness, my computer crashed again. This is the second time this year, and you would think I would have learned my lesson about backing up information after losing four years of work the last time it crashed. But alas, I apparently did not learn my lesson. I do keep almost everything on an external hard drive that I back up to our main home PC. Everything except MY RECIPES! ARGGGG!!!!!!!!! How stupid can I get?!? Out of all the things on my computer, my recipes are probably one of the most important things to me. They make me happy. They are organized in folders. I love them dearly. :-( Now, they are gone. And, my techie friend Mark, the only person I know who might be able to tell me how I might save them before I have to reformat my computer, is nowhere to be found. I'm really sad, can you tell?

Ok, enough of my griping. I must get on with life. When I finally get my menu plan posted for this week, you won't see anything new, because I will have to function from the recipes already posted on the blog. At least there is lots of good stuff there.